Ministry Distinctives

The following five distinctives mark the ministry of the FEA. We believe…

1. The Bible is the inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God, sufficient and authoritative in all matters of which it speaks. The FEA uses only the King James Version in its materials.

2. Salvation is by God’s grace and mercy, received by faith alone in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Anything added to saving faith constitutes a “works salvation,” which is a false gospel.

3. The Holy Spirit bestows gifts to believers, but the “sign gifts” such as prophecy, tongues, healing, etc., instrumental in the early church, ceased with the completed canon of Scripture.

4. The next event on God’s prophetic timetable is the imminent, pre-tribulational, pre-millennial return of Jesus Christ for His church prior to the tribulation and followed by His literal 1000-year reign on the earth.

5. Doctrine is important and is not to be minimized or downplayed in order to forge a shallow, man-made unity. Purity of doctrine requires biblical separation from churches or ministries whose beliefs or philosophy of ministry stray from the clear teaching of Scripture.

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